Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Prom Dresses For Under Fifty Bucks

Two ladies would like to open a small business for two

These des Postings:

Eine Kosmetikerin und eine Massagetherapeutin möchten gemeinsam wg. Kostenteilung eine Praxis eröffnen. Ein gemeinsames Ladenlokal wäre vorhanden. Wie damit umgehen? Gemeinsamer Mietvertrag, Hauptmietvertrag mit Untervermietung. Kann man ein gemeinsames Unternehmen überhaupt gründen?


Since there are two possibilities. You throw it together and makes a GbR - that's throws, but the problem recognized by yourself then who gets what in the various activities.

Ergo: machine separately, strike together. Will say - everyone makes his own company and you are looking for a common shop. I know quite a few in my environment. Gemeinsme entrance area, stairs or arcade, however, then a door on the left, the other right. If by the masonry, so the space is not so, as in the practices. Common counter with office communications and work equipment, perhaps a joint office help, but then separate practices.

The benefits then extend to the toilets, staff rooms or shared storage facilities. It would make sense to create the lease to one, but this check with the landlord in advance. Then agree to a sublease. Who does what need to clarify their own, also depends on the preferences and financial strengths off with. You should avoid to have to take both of you 50:50 in the lease. Should be a withdrawal, from whatever reason, is the entire agreement is historic and must be renegotiated (holds price increases).

the forum


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