At 23 as an office service, - approves the work the office?
These eines Postings:
Nach einer abgebrochenen Ausbildung und längerer Arbeitslosigkeit ohne Aussicht on appointment, I would like to become independent with a virtual office. Target group should be small enterprises and medium-sized businesses. Can object to the employment office, perhaps because I am only 23 years?
office service is good and beautiful, it all depends on good quality, punctuality and a strong ability to communicate with at (services to sell at a reasonable price). Self-service office in Franchising often do not what they promise (contract forwarding).
So you put on a clear service plan and pricing it depending on the volume of orders with "different" account services (Standard, Premium).
Small businesses, if you think the craftsmen at the corner flaps could. Look as if maybe the wife cooperates or not! In the medium-sized business you will take as a newcomer barely walk, - the professionals do.
Whether it will work, you answered yourself, if you establish a realistic business plan. Differentiating it from different types of benefits. Decay do not generate the Leichtsinnnigkeit only one turnover number in the month or year. It must look out professionally.
this purpose, the Tip: Start-up - Businessplan & Chancen - 2. Auflage - ISBN 978-3-938684-08-5 - Inhaltsverzeichnis unter
Das Alter dürfte beim Selbständigmachen ohne oder mit Agentur für Arbeit keine Rolle spielen.
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