Monday, January 31, 2011

Creative Technologies Corp Model X2000

Wie erstelle ich einen Finanzplan?

Thesen eines Postings:

Wie erstelle ich für meinen Businessplan a financial plan? It help came from the forum: In the determination for three years you your start up costs. The conclusion is then the return statement. The general rule is that the financial plan is to extend to three years.


Not only the financial plan (ation) but also the sales planning, cost planning, investment planning should be based on three years. in this context respect that are the planned figures quarterly and monthly combined / unraveled in the planning phase.

Is founded the company, the business plan be easily used as a template, reconfigured into a planning and Controlligssystem. Here, however, a moantliche distribution of revenues and expenses is required because these are compared with the monthly actual figures from the accounts.

the forum

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Connect Hdd On Lg Lcd

Brauche ich einen Businessplan beim Start mit zwei oder mehr Mitarbeitern?

theses of a posting: build

A friend and I are planning a business. We will start from 2 - 4 people are. Do we as a business plan?


It does not matter whether you are alone at first oder gleich mit Mitarbeitern anfängst. Es gibt zunächst Wichtigeres als die Anzahl der Mitarbeiter als Grund für die Erstellung eines Businessplans heranzuziehen.

Mach Dir zuerst Gedanken über Dein Know-how, - was Du eigentlich willst, dann über die Zielgruppe, wen Du ansprichst und dann wie Du Deine Leistungen gegenüber dem Wettbewerb vernünftig in den Markt bringst.

Dann solltest Du Dir Klarheit verschaffen über denkbare Umsätze, Kosten und schließlich Investitionen. Last but not least, muss das alles finanziert werden.

Einen Businessplan brauchst Du nicht nur aus Finanzeirungsgründen um einen Banker zu überzeugen, but also for you yourself, to see if what you like to get across economically.

propose the following as a guide I'll book tip:

up a Business - Business Plan & Opportunities - 2 updated edition - ISBN 978-3-938684-08-5

The Table of Contents You can watch previously under contemplation As you can see it already, as must be structured and how to convince financiers.

the forum

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

10 Things You Need To Know For Ap Biology

Vorteile von Franchising

theses of a posting:

A founder assumes that a franchise is a guarantee for successful self-reliance and problem-debt financing.


my auto, with a franchise system, the start-up is considered secured, is a faux pax.

to want to start Without going too deeply into the matter and the reasoning is, more than the following:

If they predict after self-examination and detailed market analysis, whether or not franchise his / the idea put into self-employment to and then uses the franchise partners and backers, like the Chancen gegeben sein. Ansonsten gilt leider auch hier, viele System halten betriebswirtschaftlich und nachhaltig nicht das, was die Hochglanzprospekte versprechen.

Mehr dazu über die Erfahrensberichte und Hilfestellungen von

"Franchise-Systeme - Gemeinsam erfolgreicher werden" - ISBN 978-3-938684-09-2

Inhaltsverzeichnisse unter einsehbar.

Und das Erprobtsein eines Systems bedingt ebenfalls noch nicht automatisch die Genehmigung von Fremdfinanzierungen. Jeder Kreditgeber macht die Entscheidung alleinig vom Gründer, seinem fachlichen und kaufmännischen Know-how, seinen Unternehmereigenschaften abhängig. A system can be a bridge, but no guarantee.

the forum

Monday, January 24, 2011

New Pokemonfor Mobile

Partner mit Interesse an 2. Standbein

content of posts

A founder builds a distributor of cleaning products and accessories booms and investigated this beside looking for a second job or self-employed a second want to build up leg.

How can I appeal to these people?


... here are perhaps find another alternative. Try using social networking platform XING ". There is a nationwide group that calls itself a "second pillar". Here you will find certainly not only ideas but also target the chosen! Contact.

If you XING is unknown, you will receive an invitation through me. So I write with reference to your posting to be here. Likewise, I'll give you even a literary reference, which you may also be useful.

"Business Start Up - Market Entry & Growth" - ISBN 978-3-938684-01-6 - alternatively
"Business Start Up - Networks and Partnerships" - ISBN 978-3-938684-04-7

details such as contents are under cost

the forum

Non Painful Swollen Parotid Glands

Gründung einer Investmentfirma

theses of a posting:

A founder wants to become independent with an investment company and equity for friends and clients to create. Is that so simple?


Who wants to become independent in the subject area of \u200b\u200binvestment advice (founding investment company), generally require the permission of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).

addition spezielle inhaltliche Anforderungen an die Beratung und Dokumentation gestellt.

Wann der Tatbestand der Anlageberatung erfüllt ist und unter welchen Voraussetzungen eine Erlaubnis überhaupt erforderlich wird besonders untersucht.

Die Tätigkeit ist erlaubnispflichtig

Nach § 32 KWG braucht derjenige eine Erlaubnis der BaFin, der Bankgeschäfte oder Finanzdienstleistungen im Inland erbringen will und dies gewerbsmäßig oder in einem Umfang, der einen in kaufmännischer Weise eingerichteten Geschäftsbetrieb erfordert, betreibt.

Gewerbsmäßigkeit liegt dann vor, wenn das Betreiben der Geschäfte applied to certain duration, is also the operator for profit. It does not matter whether it is actually a profit. The intention alone is sufficient, at least indirectly, to achieve the investment advisory income.

affected so are banks, asset managers, brokers, investment firms and stock exchanges.

Smaller financial service agencies have to consider whether they meet the statutory requirements and activities are therefore a license.

more information regarding the licensing requirements of projects to the source:

entrepreneurship - Facts & Basics - 3 ISBN 978-3-938684-18-4 be taken

Contents under cost, - rest.

the forum

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Flower Birthday Wording

Generelle Fragen zur Selbständigkeit

content of a posting:

A founder, still studying, would be with her boyfriend, also studying their own business in the longer term. In her post she has listed a series of many questions paraphrased. In another expert answer you were advised to look to market gaps.


So gaps in the market there are few, if perhaps more market niches. To your general thirst for knowledge, I can offer a reading material that it has indeed in itself. I do not know where to start you should respond. Alone, the topic of "market gaps" and "market niches" I could devote an entire chapter. But there are many other issues that seem much more urgent.

best times I'll give you a link to tables of contents and you look as you look around in peace. By the way, - at least answers to 700 questions to start a business you can using checklists in the literature search tips.

The Existenzgürnderzyklus, - the sure way to successful businesses - ISBN 978-3-938684-06-1

If you like the exhausting to appear, you'll also like you to deal with the individual titles. I would like to enumerate all the save easy here. Just go into the various tables of contents and pick out the topics where you suspect a lack of knowledge with you.

The contents can be found under

the forum

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Raylene Richards In Salon

Nebenberuflich selbständig, aber mit meinem Mann gleichzeitig Chef sein

theses of a posting:

A founder wants to make part-time with her husband own and are interested in whether both can be simultaneously boss. It finds insurance and administratively difficult, so make one for employees.


No problem, you can be both chief. In this context, important - you want both of you do indeed "part time" on their own. This also means that you're still all for deals in a day job as an employee. I am thinking of the social security etc. You will then have your income middle point - this is true then for the tax.

is here to give a supplement if you find your income from employment, a further investment income have to fill out from trade.

In the legal incidence are you a sole trader (full first and last name) and could act as a kind GbR, if you want it really equal (fix any writing).

Will you take into account a certain limitation of liability, could then come the entrepreneurial company with limited liability in question. That would be yet another Dimenison that would be realized as well.

like this I give you a small literary tips that will help answer many basic questions.

entrepreneurship - Facts & Fundamentals - 3 Edition - ISBN 978-3-938684-18-4

details about the contents of the title can be found at

the forum

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How To Register Sailboat In Panama

Budgetplan - Vorlage gesucht

theses of a posting:

A founder needs help and is looking for a template for a budget plan


Certainly not a budget but a business plan is meant.

templates on the structure and organization can be useful. to expect a substantive submission would frapierend, for a copy of plans would, for example, by bankers see through quickly, if the author does not succeed in the interview clear arguments for the values \u200b\u200band relationships to be found.

An often-used guide with clear and detailed views, with authentic examples of practice from beginning to end, that is the idea at a bank or investor meetings and even business plan competitions is the title:

up a Business - Business Plan & Opportunities - 2 Edition - ISBN 978-3-938684-08-5

To get an idea in advance, may like to be taken in the detailed table of contents via insight.

the forum

Monday, January 17, 2011

Titan From Romeo And Juliet

Möchte Firma im Internet gründen - was tun?

theses of a posting:

A founder has a stationary industrial (business license) and would, after several years trying to love over the Internet firm to set up. What is beeachten to?


You mean certainly, you want to start a business via the internet "but you want to run a company that is doing what on the Internet?

After you have already registered commercial driving, you must make a change of business purpose well.

That would be Step 1 If you want to use the Internet even business afloat, you have to take care of the relevant provisions on the legal requirements for a website. This is especially true when offering goods or services or describe. Even more innovative is it when you e: commerce and are running an online shop would like to be active. I call this nur einmal die Impressumspflicht, AGB, Widerrufsrecht, etc.

Daneben kommen noch eine Reihe anderer Rechte und Pflichten auf Dich zu, denn es ist letztlich nahezu egal, ob Du im Internet Handel betreibst oder einen Laden an der Ecke führst.

Nahezu alles, wenn man mal von Mietverträgen etc. absieht, gilt für einen Internetgewerbetreibenden genauso wie für den stationären Gewerbetreibenden.

Wenn Du Dich rundherum schlau machen willst, schlage mal unter folgenden Titeln nach:

Der Existenzgründerzyklus - Der sichere Weg zum erfolgreichen Unternehmen - ISBN 978-3-938684-06-1

bzw. at least

entrepreneurship - Facts & Fundamentals - 3 Edition - ISBN 978-3-938684-18-4

The contents can be found under So you can make you an overview of the issues of diversity, explore your shortcomings and even necessary information needs and I think just one act "correctly".

the forum

Raptor Toy Helicopter

Was ist eigentlich Franchise?

theses of a posting:

A founder would just know - What is a "franchise"?


franchise describes a certain distribution law, the licensing law is similar, but its influence far beyond that.

case of "franchise" is a work based on partnership, sales-oriented contract system in which the franchisor the

• Planning,
• Execution and
• Control

a particular operation type and performs in the most number of franchisees under the

• Line,
• Instructions and take in the
• name of the franchisor

marketing a product, a range and / or service and run the operation during the contract term basis. While this definition of the franchise term broadly describes the concept from the perspective of the franchisor, for a further definition, which was created by the German Franchise Association, more of the duplicated system idea:

franchise is a vertically-cooperative organized sales system legally independent companies on the basis of a contractual obligation regulated period.

Dieses System tritt am Markt einheitlich auf und wird geprägt durch das arbeitsteilige Leistungsprogramm der Systempartner sowie durch ein Weisungs- und Kontrollsystem für systemkonformes Verhalten.

Die European Franchise Federation (EFF) definiert „Franchising“ als ein Vertriebssystem, in dem Waren und/oder Dienstleistungen vermarktet werden.

Der nachfolgende Europäische Verhaltenskodex stellt eine Neufassung des bereits in 1972 von der European Franchise Federation (EFF) herausgegebenen Ethikkodex dar und wurde in der Abstimmung mit der EG-Kommission in Brüssel erarbeitet. Jeder nationale Franchise-Verband und Mitglied im EFF war an der Erstellung des Europäischen Code of conduct for franchising involved, it takes a code of ethics for its members and provides secure his compliance.

franchising is a distribution system, marketed by the goods and / or services and / or technologies.

It is based on close and continuous cooperation legally and financially autonomous and independent entities, the franchisor and its franchisees.

The franchisor grants its franchisees the right and submit them at the same time the obligation to operate a business according to its concept. This right entitles and requires the franchisee against a direct or indirect compensation in and for the duration of a written, for this purpose between the parties signed franchise agreement with current technical and business support from the franchisor, the system name and / or the trademark and / or service mark and / or other intellectual property or intellectual property rights and know-how, financial and technical methods and the business system to take advantage of the franchisor.

the forum