Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ftv Blog Whats Is This Car?

health insurance scheme in addition to self-employment

These eines Postings:

Ich möchte mich nebenberuflich selbständig machen und ein Gewerbe anmelden. Mein Arbeitgeber hat nichts dagegen, ich habe seine Einwilligung. Ich bin gesetzlich krankenversichert und über den Arbeitgeber werden die Sozialabgaben abgeführt.

Do I find my self-employment in which I certainly at first not very much deserve to pay contributions or separate the contribution by the main job covered?


have seen so far state health insurance for members who were employed independently and that employment as their major occupation.

The workers were insured through the employer. The income contribution was relevant.

But here was an abuse that is to be reduced by the changes. It is possible that a Employee who was hired only one day per week as a self-employed earned more, the contributions were calculated on his fixed salary.

Previous definitions were made on very vague and hardly verifiable criteria.

was crucial above all the working hours:

who worked more than 18 hours per week on their own account, was considered as self-employed.

The problem is timing. It can sometimes be 16 then another 20 hours. This is a swan in the thinking of orders in addition to commercial real enough so far as the part-time self-employed often have the time to ihren Gunsten korrigiert um als nebenberuflich selbständig registriert zu sein.

Die Krankenkassen haben jetzt messbare Kriterien eingeführt. Als hauptberuflich selbständig ist anzusehen, wer mindestens eine der folgenden Bedingungen erfüllt: 

- Sie beziehen in der Regel den größeren Teil des Einkommens aus der selbständigen Tätigkeit,
- Sie arbeiten mehr als 20 Stunden/Woche selbständig,
- Sie beschäftigen einen Mitarbeiter mehr als nur geringfügig (bis 400 Euro).

Das Einkommen aus selbständiger und nichtselbständiger Tätigkeit ist leichter to verify as working time.

employees represented by the new rules of the status change of the part-time to full-time self employment, to expect further changes that can be positive or negative:

positive is the free insurance option as you as self-employed private health insurance can change. The job is only as a side job. Consequently, you are exempt from the statutory health insurance.

disadvantageous effect of the higher minimum contributions and the higher tax base.

Remain an independent freiwillig in der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung, müssen Sie einen Mindestbeitrag von derzeit 286 Euro zahlen. Dies entspricht einem Verdienst von 1.916 Euro. Erwirtschaften Sie weniger, zahlen Sie Beiträge auf ein Einkommen, das Sie gar nicht haben. Würde hingegen Ihre Anstellung als Hauptberuf gelten, sind als Beitrag derzeit 15,5 Prozent fällig, wovon Ihr Arbeitgeber 7,3 Prozent übernimmt – und das nur auf Ihr Bruttogehalt. Das Einkommen der Selbständigkeit würde unberücksichtigt bleiben.

Diese Veränderungen erstrecken sich auch auf die Beiträge zur Pflegeversicherung.

Eine kostenlose Familienversicherung ist nicht mehr möglich. Bisher konnten You protect yourself from your spouse in the free family coverage because you have a little profit or even loss was reached. As a full-time self-employed you are in any case, even contributions.

For the most part-time self-employed, the disadvantages outweigh the changes.

The new rules apply from 1 January 2011. Those who now find themselves a permanent position makes, is classified under the new rules. Those who before 1 January, independently, remain at current status, but in the framework of the next review of the membership, the changes improved. Prior to self-insurance could still go in and ask for information concerning income.

With the subsequent payments Reclassification may be expected then.

the forum

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wedding Program Wording Non-religious

by IRS assessed the business, I will - when should I pay it?

defense a posts

A Webedignerin would become independent and received from the tax office saying she had to register a business. Then they would get a tax number. What does this mean? Business tax to pay? Advance payments?


Hi Katrina ...

... if you sign a trade and you will be used for business tax, you will have to pay this, as in the income tax or corporation tax for companies to include advance payments.

But now do not worry for now. You must fill out a self assessment form, which you have to make information on revenues and costs and identifies a profit. The higher, the higher your payments will be.

If you connected with a business plan to your project will prepare really detailed, you can see that profits in the first year so moving will be high. I assume that just once, that you now do not equate profit with sales. The transition to an accountant or perhaps by a second meeting with the IRS because you certainly brings security.

Whatever I give you two reading:

entrepreneurship - Facts & Fundamentals - 3 Edition - ISBN 978-3-938684-18-4

Here you can really pretty much all the questions refer to facts of a foundation and see the many checklists really your deficits. Which you should then of course in a questionnaire compiled check with advisers.

up a Business - Business Plan & Opportunities - 2 Edition - ISBN 978-3-938684-08-5

This recommendation has three kinds of backgrounds.

a. You do something for yourself - you plan your project seriously and gain self-confidence.

b. It helps you to create the business plan so that you can discuss it in any financing with the bank.

c. Your final question about profit expectations in the first and second year is best answered by your own work. It then can the amount of any business tax can be derived. I guess just once, that diese mindestens im ersten Jahr 0,00 Euro sein wird.

Mache Dich über die Inhalte der Fachbücher via kundig. Dann kannst Du in Eigenrecherche einfach selbst einschätzen, welchen Nutzen Du aus diesen Informationen ziehen kannst.

Zum Forum

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kraft Creamy Italian Dressing Ingredients

establishing a common practice - continued

Thesen eines Postings:

Fortsetzung der Zweier-Gründung - Getrennt wird maschiert, Räume werden gemeinsam bezogen, jeder meldet sein eigenes Gewerbe an. Folgefrage bezieht sich auf Finanzierung. EK vorhanden, dennoch werden ca. 5.000, - € used in addition.

us to leverage their financing together. Private financing as a business or finance. The sum will probably be too small for the bank, or at least have the height to be undertaken without problems? Is it not start-up loan?


So the first paragraph is okay ... everything right thought

Second paragraph okay .... but beware - for such high frequencies, the amount of bank is inclined to give a quick posting. The first is simple, avoids the danger in case of ex post financing, will surely come to earn higher interest rates because - er - bad initial funding

third paragraph ... beware .... in financing their marches please separate. Everyone has his own business account, each his loan.

Fourth paragraph .... true .. makes sense

fifth paragraph ... now that is now such a thing .... Of course you have to create your business plan together. But there are good reasons to create it twice. For each his own. Everyone has different transactions Roherertagsspannen etc. The costs you have to gather together then start the half.

However, it must proceed in the statements to the business plan clearly that it is a spatial and cost mutual unity, so that's fit to understand.

To give you an idea about make, I will be two reading:

a. Start-up - Business Plan & Opportunities - 2 Edition - ISBN 978-3-93868408-5

Here is a detailed start-up projects from start to finish, including financing described. First, the structure of the business plans in principle, then described the project, the corresponding implementation in the business plan and then this itself to the presentation and presentation at the bank or investors.

b. Entrepreneurship - Financing & Securities - ISBN 978-3-938684-03-0

Everything in dealing with the various forms of credit, loans, public Finanzierungshiflen what there is for sure what is really needed and much bank vocabulary what you should know as a young entrepreneur. Offered prospects for the time given to the foundation, how to deal with the banks.

details on both titles you'll love the detailed table of contents already under in inspection nehmen.

Ich denke mit beiden Titeln werden nicht nur alle weiteren Fragen beantwortet, sondern ihr werdet auch viele Anregungen bekommen, manches vielleicht ganz anders zu bedenken.

Zum Forum

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Prom Dresses For Under Fifty Bucks

Two ladies would like to open a small business for two

These des Postings:

Eine Kosmetikerin und eine Massagetherapeutin möchten gemeinsam wg. Kostenteilung eine Praxis eröffnen. Ein gemeinsames Ladenlokal wäre vorhanden. Wie damit umgehen? Gemeinsamer Mietvertrag, Hauptmietvertrag mit Untervermietung. Kann man ein gemeinsames Unternehmen überhaupt gründen?


Since there are two possibilities. You throw it together and makes a GbR - that's throws, but the problem recognized by yourself then who gets what in the various activities.

Ergo: machine separately, strike together. Will say - everyone makes his own company and you are looking for a common shop. I know quite a few in my environment. Gemeinsme entrance area, stairs or arcade, however, then a door on the left, the other right. If by the masonry, so the space is not so, as in the practices. Common counter with office communications and work equipment, perhaps a joint office help, but then separate practices.

The benefits then extend to the toilets, staff rooms or shared storage facilities. It would make sense to create the lease to one, but this check with the landlord in advance. Then agree to a sublease. Who does what need to clarify their own, also depends on the preferences and financial strengths off with. You should avoid to have to take both of you 50:50 in the lease. Should be a withdrawal, from whatever reason, is the entire agreement is historic and must be renegotiated (holds price increases).

the forum

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Is It Possible To Start Wearing Retainers Again

winners of the "demographics of Excellence Award 2010" donates prize money to charitable Initiative

Weleda AG, the prize money of 3,000 euros from the demographics of Excellence Award 2010 has again been increased and as provided for in the statutes for the award program, send a social purpose. In the presence of the Minister of Social Affairs of Baden-Württemberg Dr. Monika Stolz, the State Secretary in the Ministry of Finance Dr. Stefan Scheffold and the mayor of the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd Richard Arnold, the CEO of Weleda AG 6000 € presented on 21 January in Schwäbisch Gmünd to the charitable initiative wellcome which supports young families in the phase immediately after birth.

By the BDU and its regional working group Baden-Wuerttemberg, launched Award is awarded to companies that have shown outstanding performance in a demo-grafieorientierten company policy.

The signatories and founding father of the Regional Working Group Baden-Wuerttemberg offer customers and recipients of the newsletter to the way in which this year awarded the "Excellence Award 2011 Demography" at the Freiburg participate SME Congress.

Find the recent events in

Interessenten mögen bitte mit Bezug auf diesen Beitrag 2011-004 unter ihr Interesse signalisieren. Für eine kleine Anzahl besteht die Möglichkeit als Gäste des Beratungshauses kostenfrei teilzunehmen (Zusagen solange der Vorrat reicht).

RSS-Feed, twitter und Blog-Anweder bitte ich sich, für den Newsletter unter zu registrieren.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Where Can I Get My Nails Done In Brampton

Ganzheitliche Unternehmensphilosophie baut auf eine nachhaltige Unternehmensstrategie

Innovationen entstehen aus Interaktion. Gerade technologiegetriebene Branchen leben vom aktiven Share knowledge of their employees. Only companies which promote knowledge, communication and team work is permanently and know-how of the individual is employed, can mature to enter the market trends and lead. Nevertheless, many companies - dealing with their daily business - coaching needs on knowledge management. Latent existing know-how must be possible to make more efficient use of technological innovations.

This mature innovations have to share their knowledge and staff to develop close-knit networks.

standing in a business planning and controlling systems are available and are they regularly Input filled, they provide an important basis for the required business development.

In combination with a perfect organizational structure and a structured workflow process can be nachthaltig, to work on new products, new markets, new target groups. All the envisaged strategies are examined for cost and provide ideal conditions and corporate liquidity prevention operate.

An annual spring run Pre-Rating documented business goals, objectives, and the filing so important hard and soft factors in the relevant business and management reports.

The pre-rating is so important part of a convincing lived corporate strategy and therefore part of any sustainable business philosophy.

more information or use other valuable skills of the consulting firm.

to the newsletter

Monday, February 7, 2011

How Fast Does Metronidazole Work?

Ein junges Unternehmen rutscht ab und sucht Hilfe

theses of a posting:

A young family gets through an ongoing illness in Bedrängis. He was taken by daughter over a year ago. Kosteneinspraungen wurden realisiert, Personal ausgestellt. Dennoch rutscht der Betrieb weiter ab, da fachliches und kaufmännisches Know-how fehlt sowie die Personalausstellungen die betriebliche Leistungserbringung behindern. Die adminstrativen Aufgaben im Unternehmen und zur Auftragsakquise werden gar nicht mehr wahrgenommen.


Solche Situationen sind mir bereits als Pate und Coach häufiger begegnet. Ich würde mich an Deiner Stelle kundig machen unter dem Thema Projekt "Runder Tisch".

Diese Initiative wird von der KfW gefördert und über Regionalpartner (das sind IHKs oder Handwerkskammern) regional betreut. Research the simple times when KfW or on my site (KfW funding).

As additional support for start-ups or established businesses, I would suggest a small tip literature that deals with many errors and usage or storage of smaller companies.

The start-up cycle - The safe way to successful companies
- ISBN 978-3-938684-06-1 -

details of the material covered to the very detailed tables of contents can be viewed at www.uvis- of be removed.

Incidentally, the legal aid within the Round Table project, with the exception of travel expenses not connected to another like financial burden. And there is plenty of time for help is offered.

the forum

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How To Make A Guinea Pig Cuddle Cozy

Ich suche junge Unternehmer zum Erfahrungsaustausch

theses of a posting:

I have my own business as an interior decorator and looking for other young artisans to exchange experiences and build common networks.


The exchange is a good idea with the networks and experience.

My advice: "Start-up - Networks & Partnerships - ISBN 978-3-398684-04-7

Contents under cost

. Under this heading you will not only how it can make it easier to achieve together something with colleagues. partnerships, alliances, team work, co-working, projects are a few key words. No, there are also initiatives and organizations presented the founders in the Preparation time help and / or in the establishment.

associations, organizations, communities to social networks, are also represented. If these existing services are not rich can also learn how to organize themselves and even network set up. And just in the artisanal sector, there are many forms of cooperation.

the forum

Has Anyone Used Freedom Debt Relief

Brauche ich einen UB und Literatur zum Gründen?

theses of a posting:

I need a business consultant, and founder of literary creation seminars to become independent? I feel really fit.


This is relative and everyone must decide for themselves. Only as far as I am 30 years founding advisor with extensive knowledge. For over 15 years, I go with as a coach, sponsor and interim managers in crisis-ridden companies and entrepreneurs to explicitly round tables and turnaround. To the point - all crisis-affected companies, the start-up projects have misunderstood. This advice in the early stage would have been necessary.

But founders want to save nature. One reason why I have written since 1985, the range of specialist books on creation and business development. This is ultimately cheaper for the founders and is a reason sales of facts and guidance. But if she would have no money, you can not help anymore.

Hier mal ein Hinweis. Einzelheiten bitte selbst recherchieren:

"Der Existenzgründerzyklus - Der sichere Weg zum erfolgreichen Unternehmen - ISBN 978-3-938684-06-1"

sind über 1.500 Seiten in fünf Bänden mit über 700 Fragen/Antworten in Checklisten. Einzelheiten kann man vorab unverbindlich über die Inhaltsverzeichnisse recherchieren unter

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