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A founder, still studying, would be with her boyfriend, also studying their own business in the longer term. In her post she has listed a series of many questions paraphrased. In another expert answer you were advised to look to market gaps.
So gaps in the market there are few, if perhaps more market niches. To your general thirst for knowledge, I can offer a reading material that it has indeed in itself. I do not know where to start you should respond. Alone, the topic of "market gaps" and "market niches" I could devote an entire chapter. But there are many other issues that seem much more urgent.
best times I'll give you a link to tables of contents and you look as you look around in peace. By the way, - at least answers to 700 questions to start a business you can using checklists in the literature search tips.
The Existenzgürnderzyklus, - the sure way to successful businesses - ISBN 978-3-938684-06-1
If you like the exhausting to appear, you'll also like you to deal with the individual titles. I would like to enumerate all the save easy here. Just go into the various tables of contents and pick out the topics where you suspect a lack of knowledge with you.
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