Nebenberuflich selbständig, aber mit meinem Mann gleichzeitig Chef sein
theses of a posting:
A founder wants to make part-time with her husband own and are interested in whether both can be simultaneously boss. It finds insurance and administratively difficult, so make one for employees.
No problem, you can be both chief. In this context, important - you want both of you do indeed "part time" on their own. This also means that you're still all for deals in a day job as an employee. I am thinking of the social security etc. You will then have your income middle point - this is true then for the tax.
is here to give a supplement if you find your income from employment, a further investment income have to fill out from trade.
In the legal incidence are you a sole trader (full first and last name) and could act as a kind GbR, if you want it really equal (fix any writing).
Will you take into account a certain limitation of liability, could then come the entrepreneurial company with limited liability in question. That would be yet another Dimenison that would be realized as well.
like this I give you a small literary tips that will help answer many basic questions.
entrepreneurship - Facts & Fundamentals - 3 Edition - ISBN 978-3-938684-18-4
details about the contents of the title can be found at
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