Was ist eigentlich Franchise?
theses of a posting:
A founder would just know - What is a "franchise"?
franchise describes a certain distribution law, the licensing law is similar, but its influence far beyond that.
case of "franchise" is a work based on partnership, sales-oriented contract system in which the franchisor the
• Planning,
• Execution and
• Control
a particular operation type and performs in the most number of franchisees under the
• Line,
• Instructions and take in the
• name of the franchisor
marketing a product, a range and / or service and run the operation during the contract term basis. While this definition of the franchise term broadly describes the concept from the perspective of the franchisor, for a further definition, which was created by the German Franchise Association, more of the duplicated system idea:
franchise is a vertically-cooperative organized sales system legally independent companies on the basis of a contractual obligation regulated period.
Dieses System tritt am Markt einheitlich auf und wird geprägt durch das arbeitsteilige Leistungsprogramm der Systempartner sowie durch ein Weisungs- und Kontrollsystem für systemkonformes Verhalten.
Die European Franchise Federation (EFF) definiert „Franchising“ als ein Vertriebssystem, in dem Waren und/oder Dienstleistungen vermarktet werden.
Der nachfolgende Europäische Verhaltenskodex stellt eine Neufassung des bereits in 1972 von der European Franchise Federation (EFF) herausgegebenen Ethikkodex dar und wurde in der Abstimmung mit der EG-Kommission in Brüssel erarbeitet. Jeder nationale Franchise-Verband und Mitglied im EFF war an der Erstellung des Europäischen Code of conduct for franchising involved, it takes a code of ethics for its members and provides secure his compliance.
franchising is a distribution system, marketed by the goods and / or services and / or technologies.
It is based on close and continuous cooperation legally and financially autonomous and independent entities, the franchisor and its franchisees.
The franchisor grants its franchisees the right and submit them at the same time the obligation to operate a business according to its concept. This right entitles and requires the franchisee against a direct or indirect compensation in and for the duration of a written, for this purpose between the parties signed franchise agreement with current technical and business support from the franchisor, the system name and / or the trademark and / or service mark and / or other intellectual property or intellectual property rights and know-how, financial and technical methods and the business system to take advantage of the franchisor.
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